

屋企條樓梯窄, 小輪車就最理想. 其實一直都心思思去買 MTB, 但始終敵唔過條樓梯... 與此同時, 對小輪車嘅鍾情有增無減. Alex Moulton 嘅小輪車一直都好欣賞, 只係價錢唔平...最近有網友 post 咗一篇小輪車嘅優勢 FAQ, 幾值得一睇:

1. Why the small wheels?

The small wheels are an essential feature of the Moulton concept. They offer many advantages.
With only half the rotating mass of the wheels on a 'conventional' bicycle, it is possible to accelerate faster.
They are extremely stiff and much stronger than larger wheels because of the short spokes.
The aerodynamic drag is lower; there is less frontal area and less spoke area causing turbulence to slow you down.
The centre of gravity is lowered, resulting in improved stability.
The small wheels free up space normally occupied by large wheels, allowing luggage to be carried lower.

2. Aren't smaller wheels harder to pedal?

No, because:-
The gears are chosen so that they correspond to pedalling a bicycle with large wheels.
The smaller frontal area results in less aerodynamic drag.
The lower inertia means that you can accelerate faster.
If you are still doubtful, consider the HPVs (Human Powered Vehicles) developed for the ultimate performance - many of these use the unique 17" Moulton wheels and tyres fitted to the AM series bicycles.

3. Why the space frame?

The construction makes it far stiffer and stronger than conventional frames.
The weight is similar to that of the best conventional touring bicycles - and the Speed model is comparable with the lightest racing frames. In conjunction with the small wheels it results in a low centre of gravity.
The standard frame size can be ridden by cyclists of almost any size.
The low top tube leads to improved safety and controllability.
The low top tube allows it to be ridden equally easily by men and women; it is also a major advantage for elderly or disabled riders, who cannot easily ride conventional bicycles.

4. Why suspension?

It allows the advantages of the very rigid small wheels, high pressure tyres and space frame to be enjoyed while giving a much more comfortable ride than a conventional large-wheeled bicycle. The road shocks experienced on a conventional bicycle are dramatically reduced.
It is a light, simple, maintenance free system.
Improved traction - the wheels do not bounce going through corners or on rough surfaces.
Reduced strain on the wheels - the wheels stay true, spoke nipples stay tight and spoke breakages are extremely rare.

5. Does it fold?

No - this is a no-compromise high-performance bike, quite unlike any folding bicycle.
But ...
The frame does separate into two parts.
This does not affect the frame rigidity - tests on a brazed-up version of the frame against the normal separable version showed no difference in rigidity. When separated into the two parts, it easily fits into the boot of a car.
When placed in the carry bag, it can be carried on a train as hand luggage, rather than needing to be placed in the luggage van of the train - a big advantage given the restrictions on some train services. Users have also transported their AMs as normal luggage on aircraft flights.

6. Is it as good as a conventional bicycle?

It's not just as good as a conventional bicycle, it's better:-
Owners of Moulton bicycles report that after using the Moulton for a week, they never want to ride conventional bicycles again. Just look at the specification and the performance details.

7. How well does it perform?

An AM bicycle holds the world speed record for bicycles of conventional riding position at 51mph, fully faired.
The AM bicycle has successfully completed the Race Across America (RAAM) - finishing the course of 3117 miles in 10 days 15 hours and 1 minute. Owners of AM bicycles use them successfully for commuting, touring the world and for racing. The APB bicycles are ideal for commuting, touring and use off-road.
My own real world experience over 20 years of owning several F frame Moultons, an ATB and a Mark 3 seems to confirm at least equal rolling resistance. I do also confess to riding and owning full size bicycles-a touring bike and a mountain and road tandem.

當然仲有 Alex Moulton 嘅專訪 video, 睇完中毒更深!! 不過諗深一層, 好似 Alex Moulton 咁 full suspension 小輪 road bike 我而家都有, 一樣咁正!! 只係擁有一部 Alex Moulton 就好似擁有一部歐洲車咁要佢先進高質嘅 engineering 同 design.



我估應該都唔會再有人睇呢個 blog... 成差唔多十二年冇再 update 究竟呢十年發生咗啲咩事?我可以話俾大家聽我嘅人生都係一塌糊塗... 我依然都係呢間公司做,最長呢份工做咗到十一二年左右掛,胡呢糊塗由初初諗住做個 hea 霸變咗做個掃把,最近仲轉部門轉咗一個唔使掂飛機...